Friday, April 3, 2009

San Diego

Bill and I got to go on a trip to San Diego over Spring Break! It was heaven. The weather was beautiful, the palm trees were magestic, the water was soothing. We had a great time. Bill was in conference for a couple of days so I got to venture off by myself--i was pretty proud. I only got lost once (but that is another story). I went to the outdoor mall, Horton Plaza and the Gaslamp district downtown one day, and Seaport Villiage the next. When Bill was out of class we went to Old Town and had the most delicious mexican food EVER! We even got serendaded by a mariachee band. Sweet. The last day we went to SeaWorld and then headed over to Mission Beach. It was a jam-packed 4 days!! There was enough time to relax and read by the pool too. The WARM sun felt soooo good!! On departure day, our alarm didn't go off to wake us up and we got to the airport 45 min. before our flight left--there were lines out the door and we just knew we would miss our flight. We happen to be able to cut in line and get there in time. Bill was literally the last one to board. Way too much excitement for 6am!! It was so nice to see the kids and hear about all the fun stuff they did with grandma, grandpa and cousins! Here is a big shout out to them!! Thank you!!

Seaport Village and the Navy Pier
Balboa Park--we got to go see the musical "Working". It was great!
(Below) SeaWorld--we liked the flamingos!
Mission Beach--our last day was a little cloudy and windy, but we HAD to go to the beach!!


Heidi said...

Glad you guys were able to get away! Jealous... but ours is coming at the end of May. Also, while I'm at it... may as well comment about the PW Derby. That is awesome that they got 2nd place! It's not that big of a deal here. Last year, they didn't even keep track of wins-- "everyone is a winner" blah blah blah. This year, they are going to score, but we'll see how technical they get. I'm surprised they let Bill, I mean Spencer, use other wheels. That is one of the #1 rules here... MUST use the wheels and axles that come in the kit. Fun times! We're old.

Annie said...

Looks like you had a great time!! :) I am jealous too! :) We had a great time there a few years ago! :)
PS You and Bill age really well! You both look great, and not old enough to have children your kids ages! I'm impressed!:)